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    Tickle the Earth BBD No-Trace

    Manufacturer: Bird Brain Designs
    Skip the Tracing and use BBD No-Trace! Order the pattern pre-printed on 2 sheets of Stick 'n Stitch. Both pages of patterns are included.
    Purchase your Pattern Separately.
    SKU: 1317 - BBD No-Trace (2 Sheets)
    i h

    This PATTERN is available in the following formats:

    Hand Embroidery Shipped
    Hand Embroidery Download
    Machine Embroidery Shipped on a CD
    Machines Embroidery Download

    NOTE: The PATTERN shows you ALL stitch and color placement for the Design.

    The BBD No-Trace printed sheets will speed you on your way to Embroidery....NO Tracing needed!

    5.0 1
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    Guest | 7/28/2021 12:59 PM
    Can't wait to get mine in my favorite pattern already printed on Stick n Stitch!
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