<span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">This Wool Applique Kit Includes: Pattern, Instructions, Felted Wool, Perle Cotton Thread, Jingle Bell & Embroidery Needle</span>">
The Spring Trio pattern is also available in the following formats:
Wool Applique Pattern Shipped
Wool Applique Pattern Download
Get ready for Spring and Easter with 3 whimsical Wool Applique friends to wear as pins, use as a magnet or tie on your Easter basket or holiday gift. Easy to make and fun to have.
Just print or trace each part of the designs on Freezer Paper, cut out and iron (shiny side down) on your wool. Print additional copies on Freezer Paper as you need them to cut out!
Handy Hint: thread a crewel needle for each of the Perle cotton colors in your kit to speed up your applique.
Our Complete Kit Includes:
Felted Wool
DMC Perle Cotton Thread
Jingle Bell
Finished Size: 3" x 3".