Begin a New Season with a Sweet Pillow to celebrate ALL the Seasons we will enjoy during the year. With the change of each Season you can feature your cute petite pillow to honor that time of year! This Machine Embroidery Pattern will be Downloaded
Begin a New Season with a Sweet Pillow to celebrate ALL the Seasons we will enjoy during the year. With the change of each Season you can feature your cute petite pillow to honor that time of year! This Machine Embroidery Pattern will be Shipped on a USB Drive
A Whimsical Angel wearing her “Tomato Pin Cushion” skirt with a ruffle of leaves plus Glass Headed Pins! This Hand Embroidery Kit includes the Pattern, Instructions, Fabric, Perle Cotton, Red Glass Beads, Button & Needle.
A Whimsical Angel wearing her “Tomato Pin Cushion” skirt with a ruffle of leaves plus Glass Headed Pins! This Hand Embroidery Pattern will be Downloaded
A Whimsical Angel wearing her “Tomato Pin Cushion” skirt with a ruffle of leaves plus Glass Headed Pins! This Machine Embroidery Pattern will be Downloaded
A Whimsical Angel wearing her “Tomato Pin Cushion” skirt with a ruffle of leaves plus Glass Headed Pins! This Machine Embroidery Pattern will be Shipped.
Angel Collector - 5 Sweet Little RedWork Angels are embroidered on tan fabric! This Hand Embroidery Kit includes the Pattern, Fabric, 1 ball of Perle Cotton, 3 Pearl Buttons, Ribbon to Hang Angels, and needle.
Add a Sister or Two or Take One Away if There are Just Two Sisters! Have Some FUN. This Hand Embroidery Kit includes the Pattern, Instructions, Fabric, Wool Piece, Presencia Cotton & Needle.
Make a Sweet “Lady Scarecrow” with buzzing bees enjoying their cute hive set near a basket of flowers and fancy fruits and veggies. This Hand Embroidery Pattern will be Downloaded
Make a Sweet “Lady Scarecrow” with buzzing bees enjoying their cute hive set near a basket of flowers and fancy fruits and veggies. This Hand Embroidery Pattern will be Shipped
Make a Sweet “Lady Scarecrow” with buzzing bees enjoying their cute hive set near a basket of flowers and fancy fruits and veggies. This Machine Embroidery Pattern will be Downloaded
Make a Sweet “Lady Scarecrow” with buzzing bees enjoying their cute hive set near a basket of flowers and fancy fruits and veggies. This Machine Embroidery Pattern will be Shipped
The bounty of Autumn in a Harvest of fruits and veggies. Fat Pumpkins plus a fancy squash and Pear and Apple… nice to Embroider and enjoy all Fall Season. A Crow offers a sprig of grain to add to the Autumn Collection. This Hand Embroidery Pattern will be Downloaded
The bounty of Autumn in a Harvest of fruits and veggies. Fat Pumpkins plus a fancy squash and Pear and Apple… nice to Embroider and enjoy all Fall Season. A Crow offers a sprig of grain to add to the Autumn Collection. This Hand Embroidery Pattern will be Shipped
The bounty of Autumn in a Harvest of fruits and veggies. Fat Pumpkins plus a fancy squash and Pear and Apple… nice to Embroider and enjoy all Fall Season. A Crow offers a sprig of grain to add to the Autumn Collection. This Machine Embroidery Pattern will be Downloaded
The bounty of Autumn in a Harvest of fruits and veggies. Fat Pumpkins plus a fancy squash and Pear and Apple… nice to Embroider and enjoy all Fall Season. A Crow offers a sprig of grain to add to the Autumn Collection. This Machine Embroidery Pattern will be Shipped
A Very Clever “Flying Witch” is headed to your house to help celebrate Halloween! This Hand Embroidery Kit includes the Pattern, Instructions, Halloweenie Fabrics, Perle Cotton & Needle.
Create a clever little RedWork Pillow to announce to ALL what pleases you and keeps you happy. With original In Stitches Fabric!! This Hand Embroidery Kit includes the Pattern, Instructions, Fabric, Perle Cotton, White Buttons, Red Glass Beads, and needle.
A pair of proud smiling Bunnies enjoy their delightful Garden filled with interesting Spring Flowers. This Hand Embroidery Kit includes the Pattern, Instructions, Fabric, Perle Cotton, and needle.
A Nice Round “egg-shaped” Bunny ready to help you decorate for Easter and coming Spring. This Hand Embroidery Complete Kit has everything you need to complete.